

Surrounded nearly or completely by dry land. Used of large bodies of water, such as lakes or seas.

In the midst of an expanse of land; away from the sea; inland.

Nearly or quite surrounded by land; existing in the midst of inclosing land; confined or cut off by a bordering of land: used specifically [capitalized] as the name of the sea between Europe and Africa, the Mediterranean Sea, or (substantively) the Mediterranean, and rarely otherwise.

[capitalized] Pertaining to, situated on or near, or dwelling about the Mediterranean Sea: as, the Mediterranean currents; the Mediterranean countries or races.

Same as Iberian, 3.


Inclosed, or nearly inclosed, with land.


Inland; remote from the ocean.


Of, pertaining to, or located in the Mediterranean Sea or on the adjacent lands


the largest inland sea; between Europe and Africa and Asia


of or relating to or characteristic of or located near the Mediterranean Sea