
intransitive verb

To cause to become real or actual.

intransitive verb

To cause to become materialistic.

intransitive verb

To come into existence; become real.

intransitive verb

To appear, especially suddenly: synonym: appear.

intransitive verb

To take physical form or shape. Used especially of a spirit or ghost.

To give a material form or bodily existence to; make physically perceptible; embody in any manner. See II.

To give the character of metaphysical materialism to; render materialistic.

To reduce to a material basis or standard; treat as pertaining only to matter; give a material character to; make material, low, coarse, sensual, etc.: as, to materialize thought, morality, or mythology; to materialize one’s ideas or enjoyments.

To become material; assume a material form; in recent spiritualistic use, to assume, as a spirit or immaterial entity, a form which is perceptible by the senses, or one that is visible, tangible, and (in the case of supposed spirits) capable of physical exertion.

To take form or shape; come into perceptible existence; become real: as, the project has not yet materialized.