nounAny of various marine fishes of the family Scombridae, especially Scomber scombrus of the North Atlantic Ocean, a predatory food fish having dark wavy bars on the back and a silvery belly.
nounAny of various similar fishes, such as the horse mackerels.
nounA pander or pimp.
To fish for or catch mackerel; go on a mackerel voyage.
nounIn Australia, a fish, Scomber antarcticus, Castln., similar to the chub mackerel, Scomber Japonicus, Houttuyn; in New Zealand, Scomber australasious, Cuv. and Val.
nounOne of several different fishes of the family Scombridæ, and especially any fish of the genus Scomber.
nounThe bonito, Sarda chilensis.
nounThe common mackerel of next to the smallest of the four commercial sizes (large, seconds, tinkers, blinks), which are supposed to indicate respectively four, three, two, and one years of growth.
noun(See also
A pimp; also, a bawd.