nounPasta in any of various hollow shapes, especially short curved tubes.
nounA well-traveled young Englishman of the 1700s and 1800s who affected foreign customs and manners.
nounA fop.
nounA vulgar name in Jamaica for a Mexican quarter-dollar, or, afterward, for an English shilling.
nounA kind of paste or dough prepared, originally and chiefly in Italy, from the glutinous granular flour of hard varieties of wheat, pressed into long tubes or pipes through the perforated bottom of a vessel furnished with mandrels, and afterward dried in the sun or by low heat.
nounA medley; something extravagant or calculated to please an idle fancy.
nounA London exquisite of the eighteenth century; a fop; a dandy; a member of the Macaroni Club. See II., 1.
nounA crested penguin or rock-hopper: a sailors’ name. See