

An antibody that is capable of causing the destruction or dissolution of red blood cells, bacteria, or other cellular elements.


A substance that causes lysis.


In physiol. chem., one of the hexon bases; a diamino acid of the composition C6H14N2O2, resulting on decomposition of most albumins, including the protamines. It is the mother-substance of the ptomaïne cadaverin.


A substance, found in blood serum, which, when injected into the body of an animal, will cause the dissolution or destruction of cellular elements. Such lysins may be produced artificially by immunization with various cells in animals of different species, and are then lytic for the corresponding cells. Such bodies are the hemolysins, the leucolysins, endotheliolysins, etc.


any substance or antibody that can cause the destruction (by lysis) of blood cells, bacteria etc


any substance (such as an antibody) or agent that can cause lysis