
intransitive verb

To cover with a thin sheet of material, as for preservation.

intransitive verb

To beat or compress (metal) into a thin plate or sheet.

intransitive verb

To divide into thin layers.

intransitive verb

To make by uniting several layers.

intransitive verb

To split into thin layers or sheets.


Consisting of, arranged in, or covered with laminae.


A laminated product, such as plywood.


A thin sheet of material, or the material itself, such as plastic, used to laminate something.

Having the form of a lamina or thin plate; leaf-like: as, the laminate coxæ of some beetles.

Disposed in, consisting of, or bearing laminæ, layers, or scales; laminar; scaled; scaly: as, laminate structure in geology; a laminate surface; the laminate tarsi of a bird.