

A twining eastern Mexican vine (Ipomoea purga) having tuberous roots that are dried, powdered, and used medicinally as a purgative.


The purgative drug obtained from the roots of this plant or related plants.


b) Ipomœa Jalapa, of the southern United States and tropical-America. See Mechoacan root, under root.


A drug consisting of the tuberous roots of several plants of the natural order Convolvulaceæ, that of Ipomæapurga being the most important.


The tubers of the Mexican plant Ipomœa purga (or Exogonium purga) of the family Convolvulaceae, a climber much like the morning-glory. The abstract, extract, and powder, prepared from the tubers, are well known purgative (cathartic) medicines, and are also called jalap. Other species of Ipomœa yield several inferior kinds of jalap, as the Ipomœa Orizabensis, and Ipomœa tuberosa.


the root of Mirabilis Jalapa, four-o’clock, or marvel of Peru.


A cathartic drug consisting of the tuberous roots of Ipomoea purga, a convolvulaceous plant found in Mexico.