

Lacking in harmony; incompatible.


Not in agreement, as with principles; inconsistent.


Not in keeping with what is correct, proper, or logical; inappropriate.

In the theory of numbers, not congruent: thus, 7 and 8 are incongruous to the modulus 3, giving different remainders when divided by the modulus.

Not congruous; incapable of reciprocally fitting and agreeing; unsuited or unsuitable; inharmonious.

Consisting of inappropriate parts, or of parts not fitly put together; disjointed: as, an incongruous story.

Synonyms Inconsistent, etc. (see incompatible), unsuitable, unsuited, unfit, inappropriate, ill-matched, out of keeping.


Not congruous; reciprocally disagreeing; not capable of harmonizing or readily assimilating; inharmonious; inappropriate; unsuitable; not fitting; inconsistent; improper


two numbers, which, with respect to a third, are such that their difference can not be divided by it without a remainder, the two numbers being said to be incongruous with respect to the third; as, twenty and twenty-five are incongruous with respect to four.


Not similar or congruent; not matching or fitting in.