nounThe amount of money or its equivalent received during a period of time in exchange for labor or services, from the sale of goods or property, or as profit from financial investments.
nounThe act of coming in; entrance.
nounA coming in; arrival; entrance; introduction.
nounA new-comer or arrival; an incomer.
nounAn entrance-fee.
nounA coming in as by influx or inspiration; hence, an inspired quality or characteristic, as courage or zeal; an inflowing principle.
nounA disease or ailment coming without known or apparent cause, as distinguished from one induced by accident or contagion. See ancome, oncome.
nounThat which comes in to a person as payment for labor or services rendered in some office, or as gain from lands, business, the investment of capital, etc.; receipts or emoluments regularly accruing, either in a given time, or, when unqualified, annually; the annual receipts of a person or a corporation; revenue: as, an income of five thousand dollars; his income has been much reduced; the income from the business is small.
nounA coming in; entrance; admittance; ingress; infusion.
nounThat which is caused to enter; inspiration; influence; hence, courage or zeal imparted.