


a place for the confinement of people accused or convicted of a crime.

he spent 15 years in jail

prison,penal institution,place of detention,lock-up,place of confinement,guardhouse,correctional facility,detention centre,young offender institution,youth custody centre,penitentiary,jailhouse,boot camp,stockade,house of correction,the clink,the slammer,inside,stir,the jug,the big house,the brig,the glasshouse,the nick,the can,the pen,the cooler,the joint,the pokey,the slam,the skookum house,the calaboose,the hoosegow,chokey,bird,quod,pound,roundhouse,approved school,borstal,bridewell,tollbooth,bastille,reformatory


put (someone) in jail.

the driver was jailed for two years

imprison,put in prison,send to prison,incarcerate,lock up,take into custody,put under lock and key,put away,intern,confine,detain,hold prisoner,hold captive,hold,put into detention,constrain,immure,put in chains,put in irons,clap in irons,send down,put behind bars,put inside,bang up