


break free from confinement or control.

two burglars have just escaped from prison

get away,get out,run away,run off,break out,break free,get free,break loose,make a break for it,bolt,clear out,flee,fly,take flight,make off,take off,decamp,abscond,take to one’s heels,make a/one’s escape,make good one’s escape,make a/one’s getaway,beat a (hasty) retreat,show a clean pair of heels,run for it,make a run for it,disappear,vanish,slip away,steal away,sneak away,get out of someone’s clutches,bust,do a bunk,do a moonlight flit,cut and run,skedaddle,skip,head for the hills,fly the coop,take French leave,vamoose,hightail it,do a runner,hook it,scarper,leg it,take a powder,go on the lam


an act of breaking free from confinement or control.

the gang had made their escape

getaway,breakout,bolt for freedom,running away,flight,bolting,absconding,decamping,fleeing,flit,disappearance,vanishing act,springing