destroyed Play dɪˈstrɔɪverbend the existence of (something) by damaging or attacking it.the room had been destroyed by fire SYNONYMS balls upblastblemishblightblow a hole inblow to bits/piecesblow upbombbreak upbring to an endbring to naughtbugger upcook someone's goosecrashcruelcrushdamagedashdefacedemolishdevastatedisfeaturedisfiguredishdismantledisruptdo fordo indynamiteendeuchreexplodefellflawfoul upfrustrateharmimpairinjureknock downlay wastelevellouse upmake a hash ofmake a mess ofmarmess upmuck upmullernixplay havoc withpreventpull downput a stop toput paid toput the kibosh onput the lid onquashqueerquellravageraze to the groundruinsabotagescarscrew upscuppershattersmashspoilstymietear downterminatetorpedoundoupsetupset someone's apple cartvitiatewastewreak havoc onwreck