nounAny of a class of simple, water-soluble proteins that can be coagulated by heat and are found in egg white, blood serum, milk, and many other animal and plant tissues.
nounIn chem., a substance named from the Latin for the white of an egg, in which it occurs in its purest natural state (see
The albumins are highly complex organic bodies which enter prominently into the composition of all animal and vegetable tissues and form the groundwork, so to speak, of every living cell. They are the most important food-stuffs of all classes of animal life, and can be elaborated by the chlorophyl-bearing plants from such simple substances as water, carbon dioxid, and certain nitrates or ammonium salts. All albumins contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur in definite proportions which vary but little in the different members of the group: one albumin, which is found in the thyroid, also contains iodine. Other elements are not met with in albumins proper, but are encountered in certain compound albumins, in which an albuminous radical is united with other more or less complex groups. Thus hemoglobin contains iron, hemocyanin copper, and the nucleo-albumins and nucleoproteids phosphorus. All albumins also contain variable amounts of mineral salts in firm combination. Their molecular size is very large. For crystallized egg-albumin Hofmeister established the formula C239H386N58S2O78, which corresponds to a molecular weight of 5,378. The, protamins and histons apparently have the smallest molecules, while the compound albumins are proportionately heavier: the weight of oxyhemoglobin has thus been determined as 14,800. The greater number of the albumins are amorphous. A few, however, can be obtained in crystalline form, such as egg-albumin, serum-albumin, oxyhemoglobin, and certain vegetable albumins, as edestin, etc. The so-called Bence Jones albumin, which has been met with in the urine in certain pathological conditions (multiple myeloma), also belongs to this order. All true albumins are levorotatory, while certain compound albumins (the nucleoproteids) turn the plane of polarization to the right. Osborne has shown that this property, in the case of the nucleoproteids, is very likely wholly referable to the nucleinic acid complex which they contain. All albumins — owing to the great size of the molecule, no doubt — are incapable of diffusing through animal membrane or vegetable parchment. Some members of the group are soluble in water, others only in dilute saline solution, and still others in dilute acids and alkalis. From their solutions they can be precipitated by mineral acids, the salts of the heavy metals, the so-called alkaloidal reagents (as tannic acid, phosphotungstic acid, iodomercuric iodide, etc.), strong alcohol, and certain neutral salts (sodium chlorid, magnesium sulphate, sodium sulphate, and notably ammonium sulphate). All albumins further give certain color-reactions, of which the biuret reaction (production of a bluish or reddish violet-color on the addition of very dilute copper-sulphate solution in the presence of an excess of strong caustic alkali) is especially characteristic. The true albumins are all coagulated by heat. As a result they lose their individual characteristics and are then said to be denaturized. After this they can be brought into solution only by means which at the same time will produce integral changes in their composition. From study of the various cleavage-products which result from the albumins on hydrolysis by boiling mineral acids and alkalis, by digestion with the proteolytic ferments, etc., a certain insight is now possible into the complex structure of the albuminous molecule. Thus it appears that various a-amido acids (as leucin, tyrosin, asparaginic acid, glutaminic acid), and the diamido acids (ornithin, lysin, etc.), exist in the albuminous complex in the form of Fischer’s polypeptides, which have the general structure represented by the formula NH2.(CH2.CO.NH)n.CH2.-COOH. These in turn are combined with other groups, such as the sulphur-containing cystin complex, the glucosamin-group, etc., to form still more complex radicals, which are further combined with similar groups to even larger complexes, which last in turn are again united with correspondingly large groups to form the complete molecule. Evidence of the correctness of this supposition is furnished by a study of the products of albuminous digestion. Here we find among the primary products of cleavage three complex bodies which individually differ from one another and which in the intact molecule were manifestly in combination. These are the three primary albumoses, termed proto-albumose, heteroalbumose, and glucoalbumose. The first-mentioned on further decomposition yields diamido acids in small amount, much tyrosin, little leucin, no glyeocol, etc.; while the second contains diamido acids in large amount, much leucin, no tyrosin, and the total amount of glycocol of the original substance. Glucoal-bumose in turn contains the entire carbohydrate-group and a larger percentage of oxygen, while the amount of nitrogen and carbon is less than in the two other groups. (See also
A thick, viscous nitrogenous substance, which is the chief and characteristic constituent of white of eggs and of the serum of blood, and is found in other animal substances, both fluid and solid, also in many plants. It is soluble in water and is coagulated by heat and by certain chemical reagents.
nouna modification of albumin produced by the action of dilute acids. It is not coagulated by heat.
nounalbumin as modified by the action of alkaline substances; — called also
a simple water-soluble protein found in many animal tissues and liquids