

Of, relating to, or characteristic of a republic.


Favoring a republic as the best form of government.


Of, relating to, characteristic of, or belonging to the Republican Party of the United States.


One who favors a republic as the best form of government.


A member of the Republican Party of the United States.

Of the nature of or pertaining to a republic or common wealth: as, a republican constitution or government.

Consonant to the principles of a republic: as, republican sentiments or opinions; republican manners.

Of or pertaining to or favoring the Republican party: as, a Republican senator. See below.

In ornithology, living in community; nesting or breeding in common: as, the republican or sociable grosbeak, Philetærus socius; the republican swallow, formerly called Hirundo respublicana. See cuts under hive-nest.

In United States history: