nounThe median petal of an orchid flower, usually different in shape, size, or color from the two lateral petals; lip.
nounA liplike part, such as the tip of the labium of certain flies, used for lapping up liquids.
nounIn botany, one of the three divisions of an orchidaceous corolla, differing from the others in shape or direction, and not seldom spurred; the lip.
nounIn entomology, a part of the mouth of an insect, by some considered to be the epipharynx. In Diptera the labellum is one of a pair of tumid lobes terminating the theca of the proboscis.
nounThe lower or apparently anterior petal of an orchidaceous flower, often of a very curious shape.
nounA small appendage beneath the upper lip or labrum of certain insects.
nounThe lower central