

Any of the sacred beings worshiped in Shintoism, conceived as spirits abiding in natural phenomena and sometimes in people with extraordinary qualities.


A lord; a title applied by the Japanese to daimios and governors.


A term used by the Japanese to designate all the gods or celestial beings who formed and peopled Japan; the descendants of these gods, the mikados and the imperial family, as terrestrial kami; and such heroes and worthies as have been deified by the mikados.


[capitalized] [=Chin. shin, god, spirit.] The name used by the Protestant missionaries and the native Protestant Christians of Japan for the Supreme Being; God: the term used by Roman Catholics is Tenshu, or Lord of Heaven, whence Roman Catholics are known as the Tenshū -kio, or ‘Lord-of-Heaven sect.’

noun plural

A title given to the celestial gods of the first mythical dynasty of Japan and extended to the demigods of the second dynasty, and then to the long line of spiritual princes still represented by the mikado.


An animistic God or spirit in the Shinto religion of Japan.


A basic origami paper, usually printed with a colour or pattern on one side.


one the Shinto deities (including mythological beings, spirits of distinguished men, forces of nature)