nounOne who has fully served an apprenticeship in a trade or craft and is a qualified worker in another’s employ.
nounAn experienced and competent but undistinguished worker.
nounIn astronomy, a secondary clock in an observatory: used, generally, as an intermediary in the comparison of standard clocks: more fully, journeyman clock.
nounA man hired to work by the day; a day-worker.
nounA workman or mechanic who has served his apprenticeship; specifically, a qualified mechanic employed in the exercise of his trade, as distinguished from a master mechanic or a foreman.
nounFormerly, a man hired to work by the day; now, commonly, one who has finished an apprenticeship and is a competent worker in a handicraft or trade, but has not received recognition as a master; — distinguished from
A competent and experienced worker who performs adequately but without a high level of expertise or imagination.