Big Update

Hello! Matt here. I’m proud to share this major update to Wordshake, inspired by your feedback.

**Updated June 10th**

Two New Puzzles

The Daily Puzzle has now been separated into two different games: the Daily Wordshake and the daily Puzzle Words.

The new DAILY WORDSHAKE retains the same competition for points as before, but ups the word-learning experience, helping more players reach “Word Master” status. Instead of guessing multiple words, each puzzle is built around one large word – the Wordshake – hinted at with the Theme and background image.

Puzzle Words keeps the same word associations (and idioms) as before, but ads clarity and brevity with a negative restraint keeping the focus on solving the puzzle, and not finding every word in the board.

In addition, by popular demand, I’ve thrown in the Daily Riddle – an interactive brain teaser that updates each day.

To feature all of these offerings at a glance, the homepage got a full redesign.

Lastly, I decided to remove the archive of Legacy Daily Puzzles, now that they have been given a new life! But rest assured, any points you’ve earned from these puzzles is securely saved in your account.

Everything Else is the Same

The Live Game has remain unchanged, apart from a refresh of the boards, as has the Quest and Boggle page. The Dictionary feature is also unchanged, and I appreciate all the helpful emails you’ve sent suggesting new words for the Standard word list.

Future Focus on Daily Puzzles

Moving forward, I’ll be streamlining Wordshake to focus on the Daily Puzzles. This means that the Live Game and the Quest will eventually migrate to their own platforms… and I’ll send an announcement before that begins. It’s necessary for the Live Game to be rebuilt on a different technology stack, which will make it more robust and performant for all users; and for the Quest to grow as its own unique experience.

I hope these updates have made Wordshake more enjoyable! Let me know what you think of the new daily puzzles in the comments below.

Yours in word games,


  1. Sammy Santiago says:

    Oh where are the legacy puzzles? I hadn’t finished all of them?

    1. Wordshake says:

      Hi Sammy, the legacy daily puzzles have been removed for now to cohere with the new games. Though many will reappear in the future. I will build a feature to better highlight the completion of all puzzles. Wordshake will stay unchanged moving forward.

  2. Aloha says:

    Hi Matt. First of all, let me say how much I appreciate your work. I know many of us really enjoy the live game. I was happy to pay for the ad free option.

    That said, after the recent changes, the game does not advance to the next game, but freezes on the game that was just completed. I have to sign out and in after each game. I have cleared my history, Signed out and signed back in all to no avail. I would appreciate a fix so we can go back to the seamless experience we’ve enjoyed before the recent updates. Thank you!

    1. Wordshake says:

      Thank you!
      You are correct, there was a bug in the Live Game that kept games from advancing. This is now fully fixed, and clearing your cache will fully resolve the issue.

  3. eekabear14 says:

    Have you taken out hints? And knowing how many words you’ve got left by the ring of color around the puzzle? Why can’t we find extra words in the puzzle of the day like we could before?

    1. Wordshake says:

      Ah, those features are still in Wordshake, in the Vocab Challenge. I’ll clarify this on the daily puzzles with some end-screen navigation. 👍🏼

      1. Jandtheosh5150 says:

        So those items have left when playing straight boggle. And I also cannot challenge a friend to the same board now.

        1. Wordshake says:

          The challenge-a-friend feature and former Boggle buttons are now restored. 👍🏼

  4. Oil says:

    Hi Matt! I’ve been having some issues with just regular, single player boggle ever since the update, on both timed and untimed. For some reason, the words I find are no longer getting recorded, it will still become yellow when you find a word but it won’t count it. I’ve tried refreshing, shutting completely out of the website and reopening but I just cant get it to work. I really like this website so I hope this issue will be fixed.

    1. Wordshake says:

      Hi Oil,
      Are you still experiencing this issue? Also I’ve added back the former Boggle reveal and hint buttons, by request. Thanks for the feedback.

  5. Sharon says:

    Oh dear. Hope most people enjoy the new format and thank you for all your hard work. I really enjoyed the previous daily puzzle and am sad to see it go.

    1. Wordshake says:

      Thank you Sharon, have you played the new Daily Vocab Challenge? It is quite similar to the previous daily puzzle.

      The reason for the change was an overwhelming amount of feedback that the daily puzzle was confusing, overcomplicated, and lacking a clear goal. This is why I divided it into two separate puzzles, bringing clarity and simplicity.

      1. Frostvalour says:

        I, for one, much preferred the previous daily puzzle format and am disappointed to see the archive disappear…

        1. Wordshake says:

          Check out the new “Daily Wordshake”.

  6. Heather says:

    The daily puzzle was so much more satisfying than the new puzzles. It was a Boggle with SO MANY words which is what made it greater than the specific word guessing element. I probably won’t stick around now even though I had been playing daily. 🙁

    1. Wordshake says:

      Hi Heather, I appreciate the feedback. Check out the new “Daily Wordshake”.

  7. House of dargon says:

    I’d like to have more tries on the daily puzzles. Hate not being able to retry when I fail 7 guesses.

    1. Wordshake says:

      Check out the new “Daily Wordshake”.

      1. House of dargon says:

        Nice thanks!!

  8. Jandtheosh5150 says:

    Hey Matt! Thank you for working out the challenge and friend and hint button. I love this game and play it every day. I did notice today that when I challenge a friend (my wife), the puzzles are not the same. I had her do one and send it to me as a challenge and the first 2 lines are the same but the last 2 lines are different. So we are not playing the same board. Not sure what happened. Thank you again for all you do!

  9. shrekfan_1000 says:

    Chicken wing

  10. Skatingaway says:

    While I greatly appreciate all the effort you put into these games, I also no longer play nearly as much as I used to. I’d like the original word search where you had to find 4 to 7 different words and then could continue on to get more points. I never found it too complicated or confusing or any of the other things. The new single word puzzle is not quite the same. I still play occasional boggle. But it seems most boggle puzzles have too many letters
    Best regards

    1. Wordshake says:

      Hi Mary, thank you for the thoughtful comment. I will definitely consider this. But first tell me, how do you find the new Daily Puzzle Words?
      Did I completely miss the mark here?

      1. Mary says:

        Thank you Matt, I did try that new version. But it only gives you seven chances to guess the word, for instance if I want to enter the word hearts, first it stops at the word hear then it stops at the word heart, and finally goes to the word hearts and has used up three of my chances.

  11. Shrek Fan 5000! says:

    Hi wordshake

    theres a bug in live game and i liked the old version of wordshake to the only thing i like is riddles

  12. Kyle says:

    Hi it seems like it’s broken now. After finding 7 random words (on the daily puzzles with the multiple blank words to find, like the old dailies), it automatically ends the game saying everything has been found. Wha?? And it marks them complete. Tried puzzles from multiple days, but same result every time.

      1. Kyle says:

        Ah ok thanks. Different style, kinda prefer the old version that had more mystery words. Also the new one seems to be missing the “I quit” button or whatever that lets us end it at any time and seen the fill list of words we didn’t find.

        1. Kyle says:

          see* the full* list

        2. Wordshake says:

          Yep, just added this much-needed button back to the Daily Puzzle. 👍🏼 Thanks for the comment.

  13. Ozzies Mom says:

    I can’t find a way to end the game other than after I get a star. Most times I can’t find every word, but if I want to end the game I have to keep trying until I get to a star. What am I missing?

    1. Wordshake says:

      Hello, yep, I’ve just added a much-needed button to the Daily Wordshake that allows you to end the game anytime. 👍🏼 It’s at the top of the game board.

  14. Ginny says:

    Hi there! Every time you update the game it gets better. I love that you finally added some indicators that help you see what letters you have left to work with, such as letters going dark that you don’t need anymore. Helps me not just frantically guess or use hints at the end. It isn’t clear to me what the numbers in the bottom corners mean though – I thought it meant how many words start with that letter but that doesn’t seem consistent, and I’m not sure why there’s two numbers in each letter box. Could you clarify?


  15. Janet says:

    Hi Matt. I’m a fairly new player and am curious what the different colors mean in the list of Wordshake words that I make.
    Thanks for all you do for us word puzzlers.

    1. Wordshake says:

      Hi Janet, Thanks for the comment. The colors correspond to the length of the word. Going from left to right, the longer the word the deeper the color (and the more points earned).
      Let me know if you’re running into any issues I can fix, cheers!

  16. Rachael says:

    I love the new Daily Wordshakes and play both those and the regular Boggle most days. However they’re both so terribly, terribly buggy that they’re pretty much unusable something like 80% of the time. Daily Wordshakes don’t show number of words left, forgets what I’ve found, randomly ends game, etc. 🙁

  17. Pixiedust says:

    I can no longer change my avatar. I upload the photo then hit the big orange update avatar button but it keeps dumping the pic. Has something changed? This was easy before

  18. says:


  19. Susie says:

    Hi Matt

    I see someone else has mentioned this – words I find on the puzzle light up (and probably give me points) but when I finish a few of them are showing up as not found. I started writing a list on paper (!) to prove to myself that I did find them. Help!

  20. Ozzies Mom says:

    With Daily Wordshakes, I completed August 2nd and 4th but it doesn’t show up that I did so. When I choose those dates, it shows me my score, but when I go back, it still shows I didn’t complete them. The other days are all showing completed. I also think the percentages are incorrect. I’m in an 8 way tie for first and yet it shows I only scored higher than 56 percent of the other players. Thanks!

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