nounThe west wind.
nounA gentle breeze.
nounAny of various soft light fabrics, yarns, or garments, especially a lightweight, checked gingham fabric.
nounSomething that is airy, insubstantial, or passing.
nounThe west wind; poetically, any soft, mild, gentle breeze.
nounIn entomology, a butterfly of the genus Zephyrus.
nounA trade-name for a textile fabric or yarn, very fine and light of its kind, and for some other things of similar qualities: chiefly in attributive use: as, zephyr worsted; zephyr crackers (that is, biscuits).
nounThe west wind; poetically, any soft, gentle breeze.
nouna thin kind of cassimere made in Belgium; also, a waterproof fabric of wool.
nouna kind of thin, light, embroidered shawl made of worsted and cotton.