

Causing physical or mental fatigue; tedious or tiresome.

Causing weariness; tiresome; tedious; irksome; monotonous: as, a wearisome march; a wearisome day’s work.

Synonyms Wearisome, Fatiguing, Tiresome, Tedious, Irksome, prolix, humdrum, prosy, dull. Wearisome and fatiguing are essentially the same in meaning and strength; they are equally appropriate whether the person acts or is acted upon: as, the old man was so deaf that it was equally wearisome (or fatiguing) to speak and to be spoken to. Tiresome is more often used where one is acted upon; in strength it is the same as wearisome. Tedious is stronger than wearisome, and suggests the need of constant effort of the will to do or to endure; the weariness may be, physical or mental r as, a tedious task; a tedious headache; tedious garrulity. Tedious suggests commonly that one is acted upon; irksome suggests that one acts or is called upon to act, and implies also a peculiar reluctance. In Shak., 2 Hen. VI., ii. 1. 56, is an example of the rarer use of irksome to express a wearied shrinking from being acted upon: β€œHow irksome is this music to my heart!” See fatigue, n., and tire, transitive verb


Causing weariness; tiresome; tedious; weariful.


Tiresome, tedious or causing fatigue.


so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness