nounThe state of being near in space or relationship; proximity.
nounA nearby, surrounding, or adjoining region; a neighborhood.
nounAn approximate degree or amount.
nounIn geometric topics, a place, A, is said to be in the vicinity of a place, B, within a place, C, which contains both A and B, and in a given respect, if, and only if, an object instantaneously filling A can by an ordinary motion move to B without ever leaving C, and without at any instant during its motion occupying any place which differs from A in the given respect.
nounThe quality of being near; nearness in place; propinquity; proximity.
nounNeighborhood; surrounding or adjoining space, district, or country.
nounNearness in intercourse; close relationship.
nounSynonyms Proximity, etc. See
The quality or state of being near, or not remote; nearness; propinquity; proximity.
nounThat which is near, or not remote; that which is adjacent to anything; adjoining space or country; neighborhood.