nounA sentimental or humorous greeting card sent to a sweetheart, friend, or family member, for example, on Saint Valentine’s Day.
nounA gift sent as a token of love to one’s sweetheart on Saint Valentine’s Day.
nounA person singled out especially as one’s sweetheart on Saint Valentine’s Day.
nounA sweetheart or choice made On St. Valentine’s dav.
nounA letter or missive sent by one person to another of the opposite sex on St. Valentine’s day; a written or printed or painted missive of an amatory or a satirical kind, generally sent anonymously.
nounA sweetheart chosen on St. Valentine’s Day.
nounA letter containing professions of love, or a missive of a sentimental, comic, or burlesque character, sent on St. Valentine’s Day.
nouna day sacred to St. Valentine; the 14th of February. It was a very old notion, alluded to by Shakespeare, that on this day birds begin to mate. Hence, perhaps, arose the custom of sending love tokens at that time.
nounAn expression of