nounA dais, pulpit, or other elevated platform for public speaking.
nounThe curved, beaklike prow of an ancient Roman ship, especially a war galley.
nounThe speaker’s platform in an ancient Roman forum, which was decorated with the prows of captured enemy ships.
nounA beaklike projection, especially.
nounAn anterior projection of an insect’s or an arachnid’s mouthparts, of the upper jaw of a cetacean, or of the cephalothorax of a crustacean.
nounA beaklike projection of a plant part, as the fruit of a geranium.
nounThe beak or bill of a bird.
nounThe snout, muzzle, or sometimes the face of an animal, especially when protrusive.
nounIn anatomy and zoology, any beaked or rostrate part, or part likened to a beak.