
Moving on wheels, or as if on wheels.

Making a continuous noise resembling the roll of a drum: as, a rolling fire of musketry.

Wavy; undulating; rising and falling in gentle slopes.

Turned over or down with the effect of a roll, or that may be so turned down.


In tea manufacture, in China and elsewhere, the operation of pressing the withered leaf, by an arduous manipulation (in modernized practice by machinery). The object is to burst the cells to promote oxidation (in black tea: see under tea) and to render the extractive matter subject to infusion. The curling or twisting of the leaf results incidentally.


A reciprocating rotary motion about a fore-and-aft axis, more or less irregular, as of a ship at sea.


Ornamenting, by means of a bookbinders’ roll, the edges or inner covers of a full-bound book.


Smoothing or polishing paper by means of calendering rollers.


A method of taking trout.


Same as roll, 5.