nounA board, typically with a hole for the thumb, which an artist can hold while painting and on which colors are mixed.
nounThe range of colors used in a visual medium, in a picture, or by an artist.
nounAny similar set of elements or qualities, such as musical notes, used in a medium, in a composition, or by an artist.
nounA thin usually oval or oblong board or tablet with a hole for the thumb at one end, on which a painter lays his pigments when painting.
nounThe set of colors or pigments available for one class or character of work; the set of colors which a painter has on his palette when painting a picture: thus, in ceramics the under-glaze palette is much more limited than the over-glaze.
nounIn metal-working, a breastplate against which a person leans to furnish pressure for the hand-drill.
nounIn medicine: A light wooden spatula used for percussion in massage.
nounA light splint for the hand.
nounA small plate protecting the gusset of the armor.