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Wordshake Dictionary

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aversive avert averted averting averts aves avgas avian avians aviaries aviary aviate aviated aviates aviating aviation aviator aviators aviatrices aviatrix aviculture aviculturist aviculturists avid avidin avidity avidly avifauna avifaunal avionics avirulent aviso avisos avitaminoses avitaminosis avo avocado avocados avocation avocational avocations avocet avocets avoidance avoided avoider avoiders avoiding avoids avoirdupois avoirdupoises avos avouch avouched avouches avouching avouchment avouchments avow avowal avowals avowed avowedly avowing avows avulse avulsed avulses avulsing avulsion avulsions avuncular await awaited awaits awake awaken awakened awakening awakens awakes awaking award awarded awardee awardees awarder awarders awarding awards aware awareness awarenesses awash away awayness awe aweary awed aweigh aweless awes awesome awesomely awesomeness awesomenesses awestricken awestruck awful awfully awfulness awhile awhirl awing awkward awkwardly awkwardness awkwardnesses awl awls awn awned awning awnings awns awoke awoken awol awry axe axed axel axels axeman axemen axenic axenically axes axial axially axil axilla axillae axillaries axillary axils axing axiologies axiology axiom axiomatic axiomatically axiomatize axiomatized axiomatizes axiomatizing axioms axion axions axis axisymmetric axle axles axman axmen axolotl axolotls axon axonal axonemal axoneme axonemes axonometric axons axoplasm axoplasmic ayah ayahs ayahuasca ayahuascas

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February 28th, 2024
What has 13 hearts, but no lungs or stomach?
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What word is spelled wrong in the dictionary?

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February 28th, 2024
What has 13 hearts, but no lungs or stomach?
January 23rd, 2024
What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
August 30th, 2023
What is full of holes but still holds water?
August 17th, 2022
What word is spelled wrong in the dictionary?